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Brian Stewart
Brian Stewart

Bionic Commando Rearmed €? CPY __HOT__

Rearmed features the same ridiculous plot about a military madman bent on taking over the world, and a lone badass with a bionic arm who seems to be the only person capable of thwarting his evil schemes. And, just like with all Capcom games, there are even big boss badguys that just happen to have been constructed with a single, fatal flaw our hero is uniquely qualified to exploit. The game is, therefore, the quintessence of the original, but with updated art, sound, physics and all the other trappings of modern videogame ephemera. It should be perfection on a stick, but somehow the mojo is lost, painted over after one too many coats of veneer.

Bionic Commando Rearmed – CPY

In 2009's Bionic Commando, new main character Nathan Spencer is searching for his missing wife, Emily. While her whereabouts or current condition are never explained, the game does go for a late-game twist implying that, somehow, Emily is part of his bionic arm. Spencer's bionic arm had to be bound to him on both a physical and an emotional level, necessitating the use of someone close. It definitely feels like something that was set up for a sequel; we never know exactly what part of or how Emily is incorporated into Spencer's arm, and whether she's alive or dead is left up in the air. Hell, the process through which a person is incorporated into the arm is never actually explained.

"Bionic Commando Rearmed 2" is a retro-style sidescrolling action game, but with all the explosions and shininess of the 21st century slapped over it. You play as Nathan "Radd" Spencer, a super macho soldier man with a bionic arm. Shoot stuff and rejoice!

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 has been priced and dated. No longer will fans of the Bionic Commando games be left in the dark, waiting for their favorite downloadable bionic-arm swinging, 2D side scrolling, frantic shooting action! Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 will be available for download on PSN February 1, 2011, for $14.99, with the XBLA version releasing right on its heels February 2, 2011, for 1200 Microsoft points.

In April of 2010, Capcom announced development of a sequel to Bionic Commando Rearmed, the HD remake of their widely embraced 1988 NES shooter Bionic Commando. Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, the fourth entry in the Bionic Commando, series takes place long enough after the original for protagonist Nathan 'Radd' Spencer to grow an awesome mustache that goes perfectly with his trademark bionic arm. 076b4e4f54

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